Clearing can be about taking control of your future. If you change your mind about university, then Clearing is a fantastic way of achieving what you want to achieve.

Read Ali's story about his experience with us. 

Biomedical Science student Ali Zarar wasn’t sure what he wanted to do after finishing school. With the initial idea of taking a gap year, he decided not to apply for university, so Clearing never entered his mind.

But as the months rolled towards the start of the term, Ali changed his mind and decided to apply through Clearing.

“I was still scouting for universities and someone I knew recommended Canterbury Christ Church University. I recall being guided around the labs in Verena Holmes after showing interest in applying for a Sciences Bachelor’s degree, which was great to see as the facilities are fantastic.

"I was also given helpful advice with my application. It really was quite a warm welcome, which helped me to make my decision in choosing Canterbury.”

Industry standard facilities and supportive staff

Now heading into his second year in Biomedical Sciences, Ali shares his thoughts on his course and the Uni itself.

“The best things about this course are the lab practicals and the dedication of the academics. You can tell that they all are experts in their fields. To know that they’re my teachers is one of the best feelings to have as a student, as I feel confident that my course is preparing me for life after graduation.”

Knowing that he can use the industry-standard facilities in our Verena Holmes building whenever he needs them is encouraging. Our staff appreciate the importance of gaining confidence in the practical side of a degree. By having access to state-of-the-art equipment from the beginning of his course, Ali continues to thrive in the labs.

Not only this, but Ali feels reassured that he will succeed, thanks to the huge amount of support offered to students. From Personal Academic Tutors to the multiple support services that are on offer, students never feel alone during their time at CCCU.

When asked about what he’d like to highlight about the wider University, Ali wasn’t shy of compliments.

“At CCCU we have societies run entirely by the student body. I have gotten the opportunity to establish a society myself. The Students’ Union has been more than helpful in guiding us how to go about it, and the academics are more than happy to help you with anything you may need in terms of support.”

Not only are academics invested in student success, but they understand that extra-curricular activities, such as starting or being a member of a society, are just as important.

Many of our academics get involved in societies to help students achieve what they set out to do, but also for the social aspect.

Here at Canterbury Christ Church University, we believe in the breaking down of traditional power structures and maintain the ethos of mutual respect between students and staff. With our academics being both knowledgeable and approachable, students have access to expertise in a friendly and welcoming environment.

Why Canterbury Christ Church University?

Here, Ali reiterates why CCCU is a friendly and supportive place to study.

“At CCCU, they really do prioritise student success. You’re expected to perform well, yes, but the support and teaching they give you are sure to make that a reality.

"The community is also very vibrant and are some of the most welcoming and friendly people I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know.”

Continuing with CCCU

“I already have a vague idea of my plans after I finish. My plan would be to expand on my Bachelor’s with a Master’s degree from none other and CCCU itself.

"The University also has many ties to companies that are eager to hire fresh graduates, with many students opting for placements with them. I’m definitely leaning towards either of these two prospects.”

Lastly, Ali gives some advice for students who are either considering or applying through Clearing.

“The best advice I can give as someone who entered university quite young is to not be scared of applying for a course you really want to do.

"You never know what might happen, and some of the best decisions you ever made could have been by just shooting your shot and applying for a degree you really felt like doing but weren’t sure if you’d get in at all.”

If you’re thinking about starting university or have any questions about Clearing, call us on 01227 926 000.

You can also check out our website where we have a wealth of information to help you get started on your Clearing journey.