Michael Nightingale Memorial 8th Annual Lecture

Old Sessions House CT1 1PL
Arts and Humanities
Tuesday 24 September 2019 (19:00-20:30)
If you have any questions or for further information please contact the event organisers.

Agricultural Museum Brook: Centre for Kent History & Heritage present:

Professor Carl Griffin (Professor of Historical Geography, University of Sussex)

Retribution, performing passivity and protest anew: social and political relations in Kent after the Swing Riots.

Start 7pm with a wine reception at 6:30pm. Free open lecture (voluntary retiring collection) All welcome.

In studies of rural social conflict two themes have dominated: on the one hand, studies of the major outbreaks of rural protest, and, on the other, analyses of everyday conflict and social relations. This lecture attempts to bring the two together by asking a rather different question: what happens to and in rural communities after major episodes of protest? The focus is the Swing Riots of 1830 and the years that ensued up until the implementation of the New Poor Law starting in the early months of 1835. 

Professor Griffin’s research focuses on the geographies of popular protest and capitalist transformations in eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century England including the Swing Riots.



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Last edited: 18/07/2019 14:55:00