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Zameer Fahim


Zameer Fahim

BSc (Hons) Business Management, 2023

I currently hold the position of Quality Control operator at Cybertexex, where I have been fortunate to make significant strides in my career.

After graduating from Christ Church, I embarked on a journey that has been both challenging and rewarding. My university education provided me with a strong foundation and the skills necessary to excel in my field. I am grateful for the support and guidance I received during my time at the university, and it played a crucial role in shaping my career path.

Studying at Christ Church was the foundation upon which I built my path to a 1st class award and ultimately, to where I am today. The rich academic environment, dedicated faculty, and vibrant community of scholars at Christ Church gave me the perfect ecosystem to nurture my passion for learning and excel in my chosen field. The rigorous academic programs challenged me to push my boundaries, think critically, and develop a deep understanding of my subject matter.

The experience of studying at Christ Church fostered the skills, values, and networks that have been instrumental in shaping my career. Today, I stand as a testament to the transformative power of education, and I am proud to carry forward the legacy of Christ Church in my endeavors.

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