Obas Ebohon
Dean of the Academy
Professor Obas John Ebohon is the inaugural Dean of the Academy for Sustainable Futures. Previous to joining the University, he was Professor of Sustainability and Environmental Law, Director of the Centre for Integrated Delivery of the Built Environment (IDoBE) and Director of Internationalisation and Recruitment at London South Bank University. He moved to London South Bank University from De Montfort University in Leicester where he was Reader in Energy and Sustainability and Director of Developing World Built Environment Research Unit in the faculty of Arts and Design.
He is highly regarded by his peers and the international academic community, and this is reflected by the various peer review roles, memberships of editorial boards, appointments to the scientific and technical committees of local and international conferences, consultancy services to unilateral and multilateral organisations, and the citation of his works in journals and mimeographs. He is the executive editor of the multidisciplinary journal of Architectural Engineering and Technology, and board member of the Open Environmental Journal. He currently serves on UN-Habitat Advisory Board for the World City Report (WCR), Chairman of the International Board of Trustee for GreenHubAfrica. He served as sustainability Expert Group Member for the Sustainability Citizens Assembly for Southwark and Lambert London authorities. His research interests span across energy sustainability and economic development issues with particular focus on developing countries.
John Hills (he/him)
Sustainability Projects Officer
John Hills has a very varied role within the Academy. His primary focus is auditing the University's Environmental Management System (EMS) to ensure compliance with ISO14001. In addition to this, John also leads on Carbon Literacy Training (CLT) at CCCU, and manages a number of our Wilder Campus engagement projects, including the hop gardens and the Johnson Wellbeing Garden and 'Potter and Prune' activities. |
Bethany Climpson (she/her)
Sustainability Engagement Assistant
Bethany Climpson is a recent CCCU graduate with a BA in Creative and Professional Writing and MA in Creative Writing. She supports the Student Green Office (SGO), delivers Carbon Literacy Training (CLT), Climate Escape Rooms and Climate Fresk workshops, is the lead content-creator and coordinator for the Academy's social media channels, sustainability blog and the Greenhouse newsletter, and creates, collaborates on and pilots student and staff engagement campaigns. |
Laura Hackett
Climate Education & Carbon Reduction Officer
Laura Hackett has a developmental role which seeks to embed climate and carbon education within staff development programmes, undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Her background is in teaching, having obtained a PGCE and MA in Early Childhood Education from CCCU. After working as a Research Fellow on the Epistemic Insight initiative here at CCCU, she aims to bring these interdisciplinary ways of thinking about issues and questions relating to climate action, into her work within the Academy for Sustainable Futures.
Nicola Kemp (she/her)
Academic Lead for Sustainability
Dr Nicola Kemp is the Academy's Academic Lead for Sustainability, and a Reader in Education for Sustainable Futures. A geographer by background, Nicola is particularly interested in the relationship between policy, research and practice. Her current research focuses on outdoor provision for babies and toddlers, sustainability education, and alternative educational approaches. |
Adriana Consorte-McCrea (she/her)
Education for Sustainability Lead
Dr Adriana Consorte-McCrea has an MSc in Conservation Biology and a PhD in Ecology. Her research focuses on understanding connections between people and biodiversity, social dimensions of wildlife reintroductions, and diverse worldviews of the interconnection between people and the rest of nature. As an Education for Sustainability Lead, Adriana provides support to staff and students across faculties to embed sustainability in the formal, informal and campus curriculum. As part of the Diversity and Inclusion working group, she also focus on enriching sustainability messages with diverse narratives and discourses, decolonising the curriculum, and highlighting areas of alignment between sustainability and social justice.
Stephen Scoffham (he/him)
Visiting Reader in Sustainability
Dr Stephen Scoffham is a Visiting Reader in Sustainability and Education at CCCU. He worked for many years as a teacher educator at the University, focusing especially on primary geography, the environment, global learning, and creativity. In addition to academic research, Stephen has published widely for teachers and students and is the consultant for a range of school atlases.
His latest book, Sustainability Education: A Classroom Guide has been widely acclaimed and was one of three publications shortlisted for the BERA Educational Research Book of the Year Award (2023).
Felicity Lindo (she/her)
SGO Project Officer
Felicity Lindo is a second year undergraduate studying Law and International Relations.
Felicity joined the SGO in the autumn of 2024 and will be in post until June 2025. Only available during term time.
Madeline Polston (she/her)
SGO Project Officer
Madeline Polston is a second year undergraduate studying Events Management.
Madeline joined the SGO in the autumn of 2024 and will be in post until June 2025. Only available during term time.
Amitheesha Ganesh (she/her)
SGO Project Officer
Amitheesha Ganesh is a second year undergraduate studying Biomedical Science.
Amitheesha joined the SGO in the autumn of 2024 and will be in post until June 2025. Only available during term time.
Holly Steventon (she/they)
SGO Project Officer
Holly Steventon is studying Game Design as an MA by research.
Holly joined the SGO in the autumn of 2024 and will be in post until June 2025. Only available during term time.